Sunday, August 8, 2010

Figure-Ground Perception :)

What is perception?
“Perception” refers to our internal mind or what we actually think. It is about what’s going on our mind and how things mean to us. It is how we see and understand things in our own little world. Since that is what perception means then let me share to you what I perceived about “figure-ground perception”.

According to Wikipedia….
* Figure - a definite shape or the object that you focused on.
*Ground - appears to be shapeless or serves as the “background”

According to Ms. Riza… (Our professor in INTPSYCH)
“Figure-ground is the moment that when you focus on one object, it serves as the focused object and the others are the background.”

Figure-ground perception is the ability to distinguish an object from a background. As a Software Engineering student, I can say that figure-ground perception is like abstraction. Abstraction, from what I learned, allows us to ignore unessential details. It allows us to focus on the important parts rather than focusing on the unimportant ones. As a result, it makes things less complicated or understandable.


Picture 1:
So… as I looked at the picture I saw an air conditioner.
I just saw it as that. My focus went to the air conditioner alone. The other details such as the rust, window, and the wall served as the background or ground.

There is a possibility that what I saw might have been different from what others have seen. You may have seen the other details first or focused more on them rather than the air conditioner for the reason that, it is what you chose to focus on.

In the abstraction perspective, you just see the air conditioner and might know how it works. You know that it gives air to the people to make them relax or it cools down a hot place, but the idea on how it works inside is abstracted from you. These are the things like how it was built and the parts that form an air conditioner. You just focus on what you see, which is the “air conditioner.”


Picture 2:
It was said that “by concentrating on the white center you can see a woman in the arms of a man. Then if you focus on the dark gray in the center of the picture, you can see dolphins.”

It is just a matter of what you want to focus on depending on what’s stored in your mind or how you want to interpret the picture. You can also perceive any other idea through that picture if you want to.

Figure-ground perception is how we mentally establish what we see. It is usually different from the external physical word that we live in. We sometimes choose to see things beyond the normal in our “own little world”. We sometimes choose to hide the other details in our mind to make things more interesting. We can relate the same logic to abstraction…. Abstraction is applied to manage complexities in the real world. This simply means that you can just focus on what you think are essential and avoid stressing yourself from thinking about all the other details that should not be considered.


I tried to bing the word “predefined function” and this statement showed up… “A sequence of instructions that is identified by name in a computer program but is built into the high-level programming language from which the program is compiled or is retrieved from somewhere outside the program, such as a subroutine library.” In short….. it was predefined or a function that is previously written by someone else, and it “lives” in a certain library! You don’t have to worry about how it was made, just how to use it! You “focus” on how to use that specific function and the rest (like how it was made) should be of no concern to you, like the background.

See? You don’t have to know everything or sweat every little detail out. You just focus on how to use that predefined function and let the code someone else wrote for you do all the work!

The program that happens behind a predefined function is abstracted from the programmer (Abstracted simply means they don’t have to know everything about it.) They just have to know how it works, or its purpose, for it to be functional in their programs. As I again relate it to figure-ground perception , I would like to emphasize again the word “focus”. Programmers will focus more on a certain predefined function (HOW TO USE IT) ; the rest of the gory code is already written, tested, etc. by someone else and it disappears in the “background.” It’s like just focusing on a certain object (function) in a picture and the other unnecessary things (code, extra details) serves only as a background.

Here’s a picture of a sample program… I used the rand() function as an example. Its purpose is to return a random integer from zero to 32767. It was said that you need to use “stdlib.h” as a header file in order to use rand() function. As you can see I just use the rand() predefined function and it generated a random number. No need to know what happens behind that predefined function.

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