Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Mind Iteration: A Perception of Repetition for Programmers

who here is a software engineer?

Certainly, all of us find it hard at one point or another.  We have to go through the whole process of learning everything.

From the logical operations (if-else statements) to all the different kinds of loops (for, while, do-while).

Haven't you been wondering why all of these are repeated every single semester?
Why does it seem that everything we are being taught, we already know?
well, in my opinion, there is a purpose for everything.

consider this story of a young man and his brother Xian..

Copyright 2010 Ronchristian R. Gruspe

when it comes right down to it, Xian's decision is based on his own perception. as a software engineer, his mind set is that when everything gets repeated every time, you tend to memorize them and make it a part of you.

Being a software engineer is tough specially when time goes by because new languages are coming up. For instance, updates from the current language you're using are coming up so you need to study them all over again. but a good thing about it is that the logic is still the same. yes, new technologies are coming up but the logic stays the same, and that is the core part of programming.

take this for example

Code in late 80's

Code in late 90's
The conditional operation evolved from if-else to switch. but the logic stays the same.

The for loops, the conditional operations, everything is still the same. what  usually changes is the syntax.

Beyond all that, you can still manage to study it.

When it gets repeated, it again becomes a part of you.

now if everything is repeated - from learning to learning - then it becomes a lifestyle. then you base your perception on what you've learned from it due to repetition.

now do you have what it takes to be a software engineer?
are you ready for the advancement of the whole world?
bring it on! and bring the best out of what a software engineer could be!

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